How Paperless are You? Poll Results from Canadian Mortgage Brokers


March 2, 2017

We’ve been heavily immersed in the development of our products, and we make contact with Canadian Brokers every day— to offers demos of Lendesk, and to get a feel for the unique needs that Brokers have. One of the questions we like to ask is: How “paperless” are you?

We thought it would be fun to pose the question to a larger group, to get a sense of how many Brokers have begun to leave paper-based systems behind. The results are not exactly scientific (more on that below) but they are surprising. And at least for us, they are encouraging too.

Not Exactly Data Science, but Close

We asked Scott Peckford, Founder and Admin of I Love Mortgage Brokering to pose the questions in the ILMB Facebook Group.

Given that the respondents are all Facebook users and members of the group, the “data” will definitely skew in favour of more technically savvy individuals, and doesn’t not serve as an accurate representation of the Broker community at large. Still, with 83 total responses, we are still comfortable calling the results statistically significant. It’s clear that a pattern is evident, and Brokers are more technologically savvy than most people realize.

The Results

A majority of respondents (41) chose “I am a paperless ninja” as their response. The remaining answers are split between the rest of the choices, and just 18 were brave enough to admit that they still depend on paper for some aspects of their work, with five saying that they are still paper-dependent.

Brokers’ Thoughts

We also offered the ability for Brokers to add their own thoughts and comments. Linda Pickering gets the prize for bravery, admitting “Still working on notepads!” while Julie Jeffery countered that with “No paper. And a total ban on notepads.”

The theme of the remaining comments was a desire to make the transition to paperless business complete. “You need a category that says I wish I was a paperless ninja, LOL,” said Monica J Parkin.

John J Turcotte was especially candid: “I hate my life transitioning to this btw. Should’ve made this a priority years ago.”

Perhaps a lot of Brokers feel Amelia Mcleod’s pain: “Except for my clients, who insist on bringing me piles of paper, I am pretty much Ninja!! Lol.”

And Cheryl Johns sums up the current environment nicely, saying “Trying to be paperless but struggling to get rid of it. 😜 I have paper files, and online. Hoping soon— it is hard to let go!”

How about you? How paperless is your business? Feel free to comment below, and watch for future poll questions in the ILMB Facebook Group. You could be featured in blog posts, both here and at

If you haven’t already, sign up for early access to Lendesk at the bottom of any page on our website, or in the sidebar of this page.